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Locate Your Existing Business Registration
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The Simplified Acquisition Program (SAP) is a package of services, technology, and training to help businesses jumpstart into federal contracting. Offered exclusively by USFCR, the SAP is the fastest and most complete method for a business to get started in federal contracting.
Watch this short video to learn the features and benefits the Simplified Acquisition Program (SAP).
The SAP streamlines the SAM registration and government DSBS profile process and provides an online capabilities statement complete with past performance, testimonials, photos, and contact information. The program helps businesses reach procurement officers by helping get your business and capabilities noticed by government buyers. Having your information easily available online makes this vetting process easier for contracting officers.
There is no easier way to find contract opportunities than with APP. You can even get automatic notifications of new opportunities before your competition. Developed by USFCR, APP is a web-based application that gathers all the information you need from several government sources and presents the information in an easy-to-understand format. APP has many features, including:
Contracting officers want the information they need to help vet your business with just a few clicks. The SAP includes your online capabilities statement, complete with:
If you have any questions or would like assistance with federal registrations and contracting, call USFCR at:
(877) 252-2700
Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET