Locate Your Existing Business Registration
Please locate your business or entity by entering your CAGE Code, or UEI number and clicking the Search button.
Locate Your Existing Business Registration
Please search by CAGE Code, or UEI number
Use the form to contact USFCR Sales and inquire about our federal registration, certification, and government contracting services. You can also call Sales at (877) 252-2700 Option 1. If you are an existing USFCR client, please select Option 2 for support.
New Clients:
(877) 252-2700 Option 1
Existing Client Support:
(877) 252-2700 Option 2
Email: info@usfcr.com
Address: 15950 Bay Vista Dr, Suite 250
Clearwater, FL 33760
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET