Locate Your Existing Business Registration
Please locate your business or entity by entering your CAGE Code, or UEI number and clicking the Search button.
Locate Your Existing Business Registration
Please search by CAGE Code, or UEI number
The Advanced Procurement Portal is a web-based search and management platform for both contracts and grants. You will find the controls, search filters, and menu options intuitive. It was designed to be the ultimate hub for organizations of any size.
The purpose of this orientation is to demonstrate how you can perform all of your tasks with one website to win more contracts and grants. Watch all the videos on this page to completely train yourself and your team on maximizing this unique portal.
In all of these videos below, we explain APP in basic terms to allow everyone to understand the functionality. If you have any further questions regarding APP’s features or want to upgrade to a premium license, please call 877-252-2700 or email contact@usfcr.com.
Watch this series of videos to learn about the program and how to use the Advanced Procurement Portal (APP) to find your opportunities, track activity, perform market research, build relationships and continue learning.
Provides a basic overview of all APP has to offer.
Users learn how to create an account, reset passwords and personalize the experience.
Breaks down how to use the vendor search tool.
Demonstrates the unique federal agent search function.
Explains the essential task of finding relevant contract and grant opportunities for your organization.
This is an essential component to conducting pricing market research.
Wrap up your training by learning how to make the most out of your APP license with premium features including pipelines and pursuits.